Request a Quote – Suspended Solids Density Meter Contact Information First Name* Last Name* Organization: Address: Line 1: Line 2: City:State/Prov: Country:Postal/ZIP Code: Phone: E-mail:* Please let us know how you heard about Markland Specialty Engineering. Internet SearchOnline DirectoryeNewsletterPrint PublicationColleague/friendOther: Your Requirements Describe the slurry or sludge which requires suspended solids density measurement: Primary sewageSecondary SewageSand/Clay/SiltLiquid is waterIndustrial sludgeOther - specify: If Industrial sludge, list the predominant chemicals: Are there bubbles in the liquid? YesNo NOTE: Air bubbles can cause the meter to read high or offscale. Maximum solids concentration: PPMmg/L (10,000 PPM=1% S.S.) Accuracy required (if known):± PPMmg/L Maximum temperature of liquid: °C°F Pressure: psigbarKps pH: Coaxial cable length required: MetresFeet from Probe to Controller (50ft/15m is standard) Pick up head style required: Throw-in probe - Model 502-TPInline pipe spoolpiece - Model 502-IL if inline, specify pipe size: Other comments or needs: Information collected with this form will be used by Markland Specialty Engineering Ltd. to prepare a quote for supply of this and other products supplied by us. We may also use your contact information to make follow up contact with you. We do not share, distribute or sell any information collected. I understand and accept. Learn more about the Suspended Solids Density Meter